Photovoltaics- Outreach Kit

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Photovoltaics (PV) or solar cells are one of the most promising sources for renewable electrical energy. The first generation cells were made from silicon crystals like those used computer semiconductor chips. These are efficient but very expensive. Silicon PV were first widely used where the cost of wiring to the grid was impractical such as in satellites or to power remote sensors along pipelines or railway tracks. Materials research and improved manufacturing techniques have brought the price down to where they are beginning to become practical for home energy systems. Plastic solar cells that use organic chemicals instead of silicon may be the next breakthrough. These demos show some basic devices and engage students in quantifying their performance and considering how basic science relates to engineering design.

Materials in the kit

User Guide


APS Project Sol- Animation explains silicon solar solar cells

Solar Cell Kit-How to build your own solar cell

Sources for Building your own kit